Saturday, June 15, 2024

On the Norwegian Sea, 15 June 2024

 As we stayed up late last evening, we slept in today, until 8:00am, since we are at sea and there are no excursions. After a nice leisurely breakfast, I caught up on my blog while Barney read for a bit. Then we saw an interesting film about maritime archaeology in Norway and the discovery of several shipwrecks, and attended a lecture on the geopolitical significance of the article areas, which was fascinating. Lunch was on the Aquavit Terrace, and we met a really nice guy, Tom Robert, originally from California, now in Oregon, with whom Barney made a few remarks that led us to understand he was of the liberal persuasion. We have a wonderful conversation about travel and books, and then took a walk... it was quite warm, in the mid 60s, and some people were actually sunning on the deck. We decided to try out the fitness center and did a bit of a workout, and I tried the elliptical machine and other machines while Barney did free weights. After a quick change, we went to the Wintergarden for a high tea, and found a cozy spot to read our books. hen off to the art lecture, focused on historic and contemporary art of the indigenous people of the Arctic, which was really interesting. The brother of the woman who gave the lecture started a conversation with Barney about his “Gnome Financial Group” t-shirt, which quite a few people have noticed today. I also received several compliments on my long green and gold kirta, and sent a note to Andrea Serrahn to let her know. Back to the room and more reading, and then dinner back at the World Cafe, and went to the Aquavit terrace with our dessert, watching the often very close shorelines of the area go by - because we are going inland between islands. As we watched the beautiful coastline go by an the tiny towns near the water, we wondered how they survive, as they are probably not all dedicated to fishing nowadays.

Around 10:20pm, we were (approximately) crossing the Arctic Circle, so we had a little toast on the veranda to our first ever crossing. A bit more time to read, and then to bed, as we have two exciting outings tomorrow. As it write this, it is 10:40pm and still bright and sunny outside, truly we are in the land of the Midnight Sun!

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