Thursday, June 20, 2024

On the Norwegian Sea, 19 June 2024

 We arose early and did a workout in the fitness center, feeling very virtuous afterwards. Though we missed her live lecture on art and archaeology of the Shetlands and Orkneys, we saw Dr. Celia Berghoffer afterwards and had a nice chat about various museums we had seen on this trip. We went to the Blue Nose Society event, where quite a few brave folks went into an ice-filled hot tub next to the pool, some even going all the way under ice, and after making it out, received a blue nose of frosting, an Arctic Circle ritual. Then back to our room to read for a bit, as the weather became a bit rougher, and a light lunch. We put on our down jackets (which we had never worn in Norway), gloves, and hats, and went up to the 9th and 8th decks for a very brisk and windy walk. We continued down to the 7th deck and circled outside three times, and found that folks inside still eating lunch waved to us, as were being nearly blown over. There was of course much more wind at the bow than the stern, and between the forward speed of 15 knots and the wind speed of 20 knots, the total was about 35 knots or 40mph. After the walk, we watched the art and archaeology talk and did more reading. The weather continued to worsen and furniture in the outdoor areas was packed up and the areas were closed … they certainly did not want anyone going overboard in this weather! 

We had an early reservation at Manfredi’s, one of the fancier restaurants. My seared sea bass was delicious  though Barney’ pork piccata was only OK … overall not as good as the Restaurant for the other dinners we’d had there. Back to the room for a few more video lectures, on the history of Scandinavia and it’s kingdoms and the history of the Shetlands and Orkneys. The weather continued to worse and the captain again reminded folks to use the handrails. A bit more reading and early to bed so we can get up early and work out again.

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