Saturday, January 19, 2013

Kapok, kapok, kapok, kapok!

I love saying the word kapok. My husband and I got new pillows last weekend, made of kapok, after trying out organic wool (too flat) and organic cotton (too fluffy), and the organic kapok (just right).

Kapok. The word sounds artificial, like something from the Jetsons I remember from my childhood. We had kapok pillows then, and I guess I always thought they were synthetic, like so many other new and improved things of the 50s and 60s. But no, the tropical kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) has large seed pods whose fluffy white covering has been used in pillows and mattresses for decades, as well as in life jackets and other flotation devices.

Kapok, kapok. It also sounds like a great dog name. Here, kapok kapok.

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